Security: Browser Certificates


1 min read

Security: Browser Certificates

It's not just you who accepts anything on the web to reach what are you looking for, that's correct. Unfortunately, we never know what we accept, and "nobody has time for that" sure.

I recently wanted to see the status of one certificate and shit.. this is worse than cuckoo's nest. Like every "sane" engineer, I thought of cleaning the "useless" ones, though I have no option to go over manually, sadly.

So, before I start cleaning this nest, I wanted to remind you to keep your certificates at peace to keep your zero trust stuff. There is a lot going on underwaters. And who knows whose laps our data is "at rest".

Check basically Browser->Setting->Certificates. And do what you need to do. You'll be amazed to see whom you agree on data privacy.

ps: Picture is from Vienna/2016.

Screenshot 2022-06-07 at 12.08.51.png